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  • Quem Somos | +55design

    WHO WE ARE Sustentabilidade é uma jornada sem volta e o norte de todos os nossos processos de fabricação e escolha de materiais. Somos uma marca de design brasileiro especializada na criação de peças de mobiliário e acessórios. Desde junho de 2020, quando iniciamos nossas atividades, prezamos pela concepção de produtos exclusivos e assinados por um time de 14 designers, sob a curadoria de Clarissa Schneider. Todas as escolhas são acompanhadas e validadas pelas sócias-fundadoras, que atuam combinando o rigor necessário para a criação de itens de excelência a um enorme zelo e delicadeza, fundamentais para a identidade da marca. A loja conceito da +55design está localizada na Alameda Gabriel Monteiro da Silva, em São Paulo, e teve seu espaço projetado pelo Studio Arthur Casas. Para ampliar nossa presença nacionalmente, contamos com uma rede de lojas parceiras que nos representam em diversas cidades do país. Our products have an accent, a culture and the look of every corner of Brazil. We work with important hubs in the furniture industry in São Paulo and in the Brazilian southern region, including artisans associations from the backwoods of the northeastern region and the backwoods of Minas Gerais (located in southeastern Brazil), in addition to indigenous and riverside communities located in the Amazon region. Ticiana Villas Boas sócia-fundadora Jornalista de formação e carreira, é apaixonada por design e arte popular brasileira. Decidiu transformar o hobby num prazeroso ofício, que concilia com a atuação jornalística. Como apresentadora e repórter de TV, acumula passagens por algumas das maiores emissoras do país, como SBT e Band, ao longo de quinze anos. "Gosto de ouvir e contar histórias, entender o por quê das coisas, e aqui na +55design cada móvel ou objeto vem carregado de motivos e sonhos”. Tatiana Amorim founding partner ​ Tatiana has been working as commercial director at companies in the furniture and design industry since 1998. She studied Decoration at the Bahia School of Arts and Decorating (Ebade) and Interior Design at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBa). Providing people with products that have meaning, origin and functionality is her goal. "I am passionate about Brazilian design and +55 design is the fulfillment of a wonderful dream." Clarissa Schneider​ curadora ​ Formada em Propaganda e Marketing pela Belas Artes, trabalhou como redatora e diretora de criação em agências de propaganda nacionais e internacionais, e como designer no extinto estúdio Camaleão, do qual foi sócia-fundadora. Por 14 anos, foi diretora de redação da revista Casa Vogue Brasil. Em 2011, fundou sua própria revista, a Bamboo, uma das mais prestigiadas revistas de arquitetura, urbanismo, design e arte do Brasil. Além de consultoria para marcas nacionais e internacionais, Clarissa faz curadoria de arquitetura e design; e empresta seu olhar para concursos como Casa Cor São Paulo, Um sonho de banheiro Deca e Portobello, entre outros que buscam um especialista em estética. Em 2005, foi premiada como jornalista do ano pelo Brasil Design Award. AT PEACE WITH NATURE Most of our woods come from management forests and they have been certificated by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC Certification). Our fabrics are natural and organic or made of recycled elements. We do not use plastics in our products or processes, having them replaced by bioplastic – a biodegradable product absorbed by nature in up to a year and a half. Our leather comes from monitored farms outside the Amazon area. Nossos olhos estão voltados e atentos ao artesanato brasileiro Somos fascinados por materiais naturais e encontramos artesãos que amam o ofício e transmitem paixão e habilidades, garantindo que séculos de conhecimento coletivo sejam transferidos para as novas gerações. 1/2 Welcome: we are the +55 design, a brand-new and passionate-about-design brand! +55 because we are Brazilian and ready to connect with specialists who work with sensibility here and abroad. ​ We want to reflect the beauty of Brazilian design, offering products that hold emotion and meaning, making use of sophisticated manufacturing techniques, and creating solutions for the daily needs of the contemporary life. We understand that our poetics must be in harmony with the environment and our products must be made to last. Our rich biodiversity and its huge potential allow us to create original and, above all, sustainable solutions and processes. And we know that sustainability is a journey we must start and that this is a path of no return. We can no longer put an object in this world without knowing where it came from and where it is going to. Fields such as Arts, Architecture and Design are so inspiring to us and influence what we do in terms of the collection and the way our showroom is designed (and displayed). We will try to understand how +55 design will be perceived by our public and how we can continue to evolve, preserving the balance between our purpose and our commitment. We want to seek the peace of the senses.

  • pedras coffee table | +55design

    Coffee Tables Metro Arquitetos Pedras Coffee Table Exploring the plasticity of concrete allows you to create free and organic forms. At this table, the office joined the malleability of the material with a geometrization of nature, with drawn stones stacked in a dialogue between weight and the force of gravity. designer | Metro Architects Measure ​ W 117 x D 117 x H 45 cm ​ Materials Beige or gray concrete Download Metro Architects Orçamento

  • +55design | Feito por brasileiros.

    POETRY AND FUNCTIONALITY Learn more about us SUSTAINABILITY AND TECHNOLOGY We aim to reflect the beauty of the Brazilian design and its rich craftwork, offering creations that involve emotion and meaning, employing sophisticated manufacturing techniques, with solutions for the daily needs of the contemporary life. Our Philosophy “OUR INTENTION IS TO CONNECT MEANINGS WITH INTEGRITY AND FUNCTIONALITY” Ours designers Valorizamos o cuidado artesanal, expresso em materiais como a cerâmica. Sua força, beleza e ancestralidade se mantêm vivas em nossas coleções, sendo constantemente atualizadas a partir da inclusão de novos ceramistas brasileiros. Cerâmicas Certified woods are products that do not degrade the environment and contribute to the social and economic development of forests. The wood handling plan states that, in an area of one hectare (the equivalent of 2.471 acres), two to three trees can be removed after every 25-30 years cycle. Malhete Desk A +55design utiliza somente couros produzidos a partir de origem certificada e processos sustentáveis, baseados na rastreabilidade e otimização das etapas de produção. Cadeira Curva

  • Sylvia Bar | +55design

    Benches and Supports Bruno de Carvalho Sylvia Bar Like an architecture, the Sylvia bar is raised on stilts that start from the floor, cross the semi-transparent volume and go beyond the roof, supporting a cut slab. The wooden box is wrapped in a kind of skin woven in silk straw, allowing you to see through. At the top, the crown of the piece serves as a support for bottles. "Drawing is certainly a result of what I learned during my academic training, in a school strongly influenced by modernism. In Sylvia, I visualize the lines of a house that I would certainly design if I worked as an architect”, adds the designer. The bar unfolds into a collection also made up of a sideboard and home. designer | Bruno de Carvalho ​ measure ​ BAR SYLVIA suspended top and closed bottom in silk straw W 105 x D 50 x H 90 cm W 210 x D 50 x H 90 cm W 262 x D 50 x H 90 cm ​ SYLVIA SIDEBOARD 3 internal drawers and wooden closed bottom W 210 x D 50 x H 80 cm W 262 x D 50 x H 80 cm ​ HOME SYLVIA 1 wooden shelf and closed base W 210 x D 50 x H 50 cm W 262 x D 50 x H 50 cm ​ materials ​ _Natural Tauari wood with silk straw with natural pine dyeing _Sucupira wood with silk straw with natural chlorophyll dye _Ebonized wood with black chemically dyed silk straw Download Bruno de Carvalho Orçamento

  • Sofá Bahia | +55design

    Outdoor Furniture Roberta Banqueri Zero Sidetable The side table has solid and perforated plate tops, which gives lightness and transparency to the product. designer | Roberta Banqueri Measure Ø 45 x H 29 cm ​ Materials Aluminum Download Orçamento

  • Peças | +55design

    sofas chairs dining tables bookshelves and desks armchairs outdoor furniture benches and supports bancos e banquetas mesas auxiliares accessories with soul luminárias

  • Sylvia Bar | +55design

    Benches and Supports Bruno de Carvalho Sylvia Bar Like an architecture, the Sylvia bar is raised on stilts that start from the floor, cross the semi-transparent volume and go beyond the roof, supporting a cut slab. The wooden box is wrapped in a kind of skin woven in silk straw, allowing you to see through. At the top, the crown of the piece serves as a support for bottles. "Drawing is certainly a result of what I learned during my academic training, in a school strongly influenced by modernism. In Sylvia, I visualize the lines of a house that I would certainly design if I worked as an architect”, adds the designer. The bar unfolds into a collection also made up of a sideboard and home. designer | Bruno de Carvalho ​ measure ​ BAR SYLVIA suspended top and closed bottom in silk straw W 105 x D 50 x H 90 cm W 210 x D 50 x H 90 cm W 262 x D 50 x H 90 cm ​ SYLVIA SIDEBOARD 3 internal drawers and wooden closed bottom W 210 x D 50 x H 80 cm W 262 x D 50 x H 80 cm ​ HOME SYLVIA 1 wooden shelf and closed base W 210 x D 50 x H 50 cm W 262 x D 50 x H 50 cm ​ materials ​ _Natural Tauari wood with silk straw with natural pine dyeing _Sucupira wood with silk straw with natural chlorophyll dye _Ebonized wood with black chemically dyed silk straw Download Bruno de Carvalho Orçamento

  • Mesa de Apoio Louvre | +55design

    Coffee Tables Bruno de Carvalho Bene and Dita Coffee Tables Named after the designer's grandmother, the pair of tables has stone in its composition, whose coldness is balanced by the touch of wood. designer | Bruno de Carvalho Measure ​ L 160 x P 62 x H 35 cm L 180 x P 62 x H 35 cm ​ Materials Certified solid wood Tauari Pipe Download Bruno de Carvalho Orçamento

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